Unique items

Cup for appetizer, (swan service), rulaid with gold
Helmet cups, with green or purpur ornaments and rich gold painting
Helmet cup, frontal view
Helmet cup, with leo profile
Planter, with flowers linihg and relief painting
Planter, top view: 290,00 €
Planter, with green, purpur and gold ornaments
Planter, with flowers lining, flower painting and golden border
Planter, side view
Planter, with co-called point flowers and wreath of laurel painted
Planter, side view
Box, withapplied rose,tendril of roses and gold decoration
Two-armed candelabra, with flowers and rich gold painting
Wall scone, with flowers lining and rich gold decoration
Wall scone, side view
Leuchter, mit klassischer Dresdner Blumenmalerei und Golddekor
Leuchter, Seitenansicht
Ovale Schale, mit Blumen-und Reliefmalerei
Ovale Schale, Seitenansicht