Floral design

Cup with shoot of ivy and yellow background, golden accessories
Hinged box with bunch of roses and golden accessories
Amphora, with bouquet of roses on front and back, as well as gold decoration
Amphora side view
Tray, with rose bouquet
Large vase, with surrounding rose painting
Large vase, lateral
Table, with metal-framed plate, rose pattern and rich gold decoration
Table: frontal view
Table-top: detail
Table stand
Vase with yellow background, flower frieze and abundant golden ornaments
Vase with abundant flower frieze
Handle vase with yellow rose and abundant golden accessories
Ensemble: painted vase and candle with yellow rose
Assortment varied vases
Vase and baroque box with roses painting and golden accessories
Chimney-clock, adorned, with painting of roses and abundand gold decor
Baroque clock, with flower lining, relief painting and rich gold decoration
Baroque clock: side view
Baroque clock, with roses- and relief painting, rich gold decoration
Little baroque clock, with violets and gold decoration
Baroque chandelier, with roses of plastic art and abundant golden accessories
Candlestick with 3 sticks, adorned, with roses and gold decor
Baroque tray with bunch of flowers and gold decor
Basket, brim with fret-work, frieze of flowers, gold decor
Assortment with red roses and gold decor
Coffee-set with floral designs and golden accessories
Basket with handle and feet, flower bouquet, flowers linilg and rich gold decoration
Basket with handle and feet: side view
Large vase, with classic floral bouquet
Large vase: rear view
Sommerbuketts auf Schale und Vase

Cup with shoot of ivy and yellow background, golden accessories

Freiberger Porcelain; 280,00 €
The presentation of floral design is one of the oldest and most popular forms of painting porcelain. With this kind of naturalistic painting the "white gold" is decorated and revaluated. In the end face, textures and colours should be arranged as harmonious ensemble.

The floral designs and compositions on the shown articles are variable and compatible among each other.