Birds and hunting sceneries

Decorative plate with hunting scenerie, green brim and golden accessories
Decorative plate with painted robins, insects, cobaltdecor and golddecor
Picture baroque (hangs on the wall) with crested tit and ambundand golden accessories
Picture baroque (hangs on the wall) with painted flamingos and abundand golden accessories
Chandelier with painted landscape, exotic birds and abundand golden accessories
Diverse articles with painted diverse motifs of birds
Cigarette-box with painted robins, relief decor and golden accessories
Wall clock with painted birds and abundand golden accessories
Box with painted goldfinch, brim of cobalt and golden decor
The same box open
Cup with painted blue tit and insects, brime of cobalt and golden decor
Table-glock with painted blue tits and insects, front
The same clock backside
Medallion and coffee cup, with peacock
Medallions, with songbird pairs: Robin, Bullfinch, Goldfinch
Chaffinch, Waxwing, Tits
Hoopoe, Kingfisher, Oriole
Nuthatche, Bee-eater, Oriole